Revolutionary Non Surgical Body Contouring
The Brazilian Booty Lift is a multi-functional machine allowing non-surgical full body contouring; in particular the ‘booty’ area, arms, legs, stomach and back.
Originally founded in Miami, USA, this magical machine is now hitting the UK by storm, creating a non-invasive, non-surgical lift!
There’s recently been a huge interest in having a voluptuous booty . Celebrities like Kim Kardashian and others are seen all over the media flaunting their assets; but not everyone was born with such a gorgeous figure. Ladies often secretly resort to painful plastic surgery to give them what they want – but no longer!
Now you can eliminate any saggy skin, unshapely buttocks and get the booty you desire, without the risk and cost of surgery. BBL has revolutionised the non invasive Brazilian Booty Lift: the safest and fastest way to boost your rear appeal, sculpt your curves and erase cellulite using the latest non-surgical breakthrough in body contouring.
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Treatments Today

The BBL treatment is also available for body contouring other areas of the body like the stomach, arms, legs and back. Book a free no obligation consultation now!
This treatment combines fat busting laser lipo, which works by stimulating fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using pulses to destroy the fat cell. The triglycerides (broken down fat) are then repositioned to create a shapely booty using vacuum suction. This treatment also improves skin tone, reduces cellulite, and activates collagen production.
Our brand endeavours to allow any man or woman, anywhere, to get the figure they desire, at a price they can afford.